I finally decided to take Olivia and Zach in for their bloodwork to test for Celiac Disease. Olivia needs more tests for her allergies to peanuts and fish to see if there is a chance she'll grow out of them. We'll find out in about a week.... Zach was awesome. A bit of numbing creme (EMLA creme for anyone needing it in the future) and he was golden! No cries, just hung out while they were taking blood. Olivia came into the room and saw what was going on. I don't think she felt it either, but she cried a sympathy cry anyway. All in all, I was more worked up about getting it done. They had no clue, so whew!, check that 'bad deed' off the list. Olivia made sure to tell me "that wasn't nice!"
I rewarded them with a trip to Sketchy's Art Pad today. They love this place because there is an endless supply of paint, craft's, glue, glitter, etc. to keep them busy. We ALWAYS bring home masterpieces. So, for those grandparents out there, we'll share because we have plenty of artwork to go around! Watch out, Van Gogh!
They also begged for a Dunkin DoNup (yes, that's their pronounciation of it). So, since I was feeling guilty, they got a guilt-ridden Strawberry Donup with sprinkles. Their favorite...