Olivia is in Pre-K this year and she recently moved seats in her class. She is now seated next to Meadow, who happens to have an older sister (the ripe old age of 6, maybe?). Over the last week or so, Olivia has shown me new things she has learned from Meadow. As of last week, she can now snap her fingers. I have tried to teach my kids this trick when they ask me (ok, so maybe I do snap my fingers and expect things to happen automatically, but instead my kids get sidetracked and want me to teach them something - the nerve!) :-) So, she can snap her fingers (5 years old). Brady hopped in the car today and declared that he broke his finger trying to snap! Zach said, "don't worry, Brady, it will grow back." I then asked Brady if it was his finger or finger nail that broke and he again said finger. But of course, he was not in pain. Olivia also started printing her name in block letters. You know the ones, where the little girls love to write their name and then color it in... This takes forever at this age, but hey, it's cute. She tried to do it on the mulitple Valentine card for her classmates. Mommy had to knick this one in the bud. Hey, it was 8:15 pm and we needed to hit the bath and bed! Brady's grandma taught Brady, which was taught to Olivia, how to hold your fingers and make a lowercase 'b' and 'd'. Luckily, she doesn't get these letters mixed up, but is their a trick for and 'S'? Ah, lots and lots of handwriting at this age. My little lefty is teaching me quite a bit about this lefty world.
Another conversation to keep me amused was Brady picking up a book in our car today.
Zach: "Brady you can't read that book. It is a Level 1 Book."
Brady: Hmp.... "I can see Thomas" (reading no doubt) "His".....pause, pause, pause... "Zach, what is this word?"
Zach: "Oh, that word is 'view'."
Olivia is sitting in the front car seat in her own world looking at a new Dr. Seuss book about Rainforest and animals. Surprise, surprise. Oh these kids keep a smile on my face!
We returned from Delray Beach, Florida Sunday night. I received several compliments on how sweet my children were on the plane and at the airport. They were especially good, so I have to give them props. It was not as warm as I would have liked, but we still enjoyed the beach, hot tub and our friends, Justin and Brandon (and some really good Mellow Mushroom pizza). A few nights before, I branded myself at Senor Frogs (it was much more family oriented than the locations in Mexico). My forearm touched the "HOT PLATE" and guess what, it was hot. I'll have a scar to remind me of this trip. Olivia and Zach found a Man of War (blue jelly fish) on the beach, and that entertained them to no end. My sister, Kim, was on pins and needles everytime they poked at the jelly. They knew to touch him on the top, but those tentacles were long! We also listened to a band at Boston's on the Beach Saturday afternoon (by chance). Zach fell in love with the singer, Amber Leigh. She's been singing and playing the fiddle since 13 or so with her dad. She is beautiful and entertaining to watch, so Olivia was mesmerized too. Aunt Kim bought us a CD, so guess who has been listening to country music (even though Amber Leigh does great pop cover songs), no less than 14 times on Monday. When will this week end? Maybe I can 'lose' the CD. Nah, that would put Zach over the top. He has told everyone he sees about this "Kimberly.....no, no Amber Leigh" who is a rock star. It's good to know they pay attention and enjoy the places we go. A huge thanks to Aunt Kim for having us - yet again.