It seems I dropped off the face of the Earth after returning from Washington D.C. Not quite. The end of the school (preschool that is) came crashing in and things were a little busy. Two kids, multiple parties, field days, gifts, yearbooks and whatnot later, we were able to focus on relaxing.
Olivia and Zach finished Karate at The Little Gym with a 'show' and awards ceremony on May 11. Olivia was hit and miss on this activity, but we kept with it becuase it was fun for Zach and expended late Monday afternoon energy for both kids. I think Karate helped Olivia gain a little more self esteem over the last few months, so that was a nice little side to Karate.

I started taking a 6-week photography class to help me with my new camera I recieved at Christmas. I love the camera, but I barely used it. I completed the class last week and I'm looking to take more classes - it was that much fun! Imagine that, Jennifer enjoys taking photographs. We had a fieldtrip to the Oakland Cemetery in Atlanta. I actually visited twice in the week becuase it is so beautiful. I cannot wait to go back and do a tour. Lots of history in those plots...

The kids had a Spring Fling the week before school let out at the local middle school auditorium. Mimi, Papa and Aunt Barbara came to see Olivia and Zach sing their preschool songs, Spanish songs and watch Olivia get her Pre-K diploma. It was very subdued, but funny to see how proud Olivia was after the fact. I think it started sinking in that she is soon to be a Kindergartener. Watch out world, here she comes!

Over that weekend, we picked up our new SUV in Birmingham. We'll hopefully have this white Cayenne for 3 years and if you see the car tag, you'll know that we say "Sweet Home Alabama". Hey, it really is sweet! While in Birmingham, we visited the McWane Science Center again. O & Z love the Science Center and they wanted to show the center to Daddy (who was impressed). We spent the entire day 'exploring' and having a wonderful rainy Saturday. To top it off, we met my best friend, Kaci and her family for dinner in Anniston! It turned out to be a great weekend with a new car, seeing Kaci and exploring.
Finally, the last week of school arrived! See, I told you we have been busy! Zach attended his last Music Class session with Mrs. Kim. I have been taking sessions at The Music Class for over five years. I do believe this is my last one, but don't quote me on that. It has always been a fun experience and something neat to do with each child. Olivia and Zach know the entire collection of songs from over the years, so I guess it has been a good thing for them. Both kids have grown out of the classes where I participate with them. Olivia finished her music lessons with Ms. Megan at school, so I guess we are now ready for our music careers - Rap Industry, here we come! Ha! Here is a photo of Zach, Parker and Danny with Mrs. Kim. We'll miss you!

Olivia took her lovies to the last day of school. When the last day arrived on Thursday, May 21st, it was a sigh of relief and a "FINALLY". Time for Memorial Day and summer. But wait, we had a end of year picnic that afternoon. The rain held off and it turned out to be a very happy
way to end the school year!