Having Good Friday off, we left early for the lake. After being in Germany and New York for six long days, Dave was ready for his Spring Break and some family time. With spring weather finally arriving this week, we watched the leaves unfold before our eyes. The pollen, however, almost made us want to keep our eyes closed. Poor Olivia is breaking out in hives from the oak pollen. Hopefully it will soon wash away.
Number 5 tooth popped out on Olivia the day before Easter while she was eating an apple. It really surprised her that the apple ripped the not-so-loose tooth out. The tooth fairy has now visited Olivia at the lake, a hotel close to Disney, a condo in Daytona and now the lake again. Maybe one day she'll visit Smyrna :-) Olivia is really a snaggle tooth now; Dave and I cannot help but smile when she smiles at us. She barely has any teeth left! Poor girl and her teeth... she visited the dentist last Tuesday to replace a filling that popped out while I flossed. It was not an easy visit to the dentist because she remembers the fillings going in a few months ago. We were finally able to coerce her with a little help from Molly, her zebra.

Zach has been ecstatic since Dave brought home his slot car track that he purchased with his birthday money. It really is an amazing track and the boys are planning to build a table for it this afternoon. Dave and I loved racing with Zach, but while we are at the lake, we want to go out on the boat too. Well, Zach doesn't want any part of that....he wants to race! You can only imagine. We were at the Montgomery Zoo Friday and Zach was worried about when we would get back to put the track together. Patience was discussed many times over Friday. Maybe we should invent a 'Patience Fairy" to visit Zach...hmm.

Easter was a beautiful, peaceful day at the lake. I decided we needed to go "old school" with our eggs this year and we actually boiled and decorated our eggs. Yes, years past we have gone the plastic route, with a little egg dyeing here and there. Plus, who needs the candy? I hid the eggs along the lake and they giggled and ran to find them. Zach and Olivia then took turns hiding and I would help find them. After we finished, one of the kids said "ok, now let's do the real eggs." Meaning the plastic ones with candy inside. He he he. It was a blast and Olivia went on to hunt for lizards (typical).
Happy Easter to everyone and I hope our Spring Break Part 2 is just as much fun.