On to the United States.....after the wedding, Dave and I decided to leave B.C. early and head to the shores of the Washington coast. On our way to Ocean Shores, WA, Zach learned how to blow bubbles. He's tried for a long time, along with Olivia, who got it a year or so ago. He was really successful on this car ride and gave us many, many big bubbles and giggles. Good going, Zach. Your first bubble was in Washington state.
Beach time and what do they find? More seaweed.
The hotel had a heated pool (again, it was late July and we were still in cold weather). Dave was great with the kids in the pool, while I tried out the hot tub and read my book. Ah, it's nice to have Dave around during this trip! The lobby of the hotel held a huge fish tank that ran along two walls. The kids were mesmerized by the fish.
It's not a trip to the Washington coast without looking at tidal pools. This is Olivia's obsession and Dave goes out of his way to find the tide tables to see when and where we should look. 

Zach's first time truly flying a kite! We've had kites for years, sitting in a closet, but never enough wind or enough time to make it fly. This, being on vacation at the beach, with plenty of time on our hands, we truly found the art and pleasure in flying a kite. Guess what? Zach loves it. They also had horses to ride on the beach, but Olivia was into beach mode instead of horse mode at the moment, so we went with it.
Looking for crabs in the sand)
Back to the tidal pool search...nice logs. Want to build a fire?
After climbing rocks, Zach stumbled upon this baby seal. How amazing is this?! He was just trying to take a nap while the tide was low. Poor guy was startled awake by Zach almost stepping on him! Something we'll never forget.
Zach and Olivia cannot get enough of this little guy. He is pretty, darn cute. But, alas, he should take his nap.
A shot of Dave and the Dodge he rented. It wasn't my favorite rental car....and we had it for two weeks!
Wild deer roaming in Ocean Shores.
We played a friendly game of putt-putt....until Mommy won. Spoiled sports. It was so much fun to play. Makes me miss playing real golf....that's on my to-do list when I return to New Jersey:-) Thanks mini golf, for reminding me of the simple pleasures of life.
More kite flying...Olivia this time.
Over the short course of our stay at the beach (Sunday-Tues morning), Olivia tried every restaurants clam chowder. She was becoming a clam chowder aficionado or maybe she was just turning into a clam?! I, on the other hand, found so many restaurants that offered extremely tasty gluten free fare. I fell in love with a pita wrap fish taco. Mmm.
Tuesday, we headed towards Seattle to drop Dave at the airport. He was bound for New Jersey...we were bound for Issaquah and then to the San Juan Islands with our friends. This two week trip out West was getting better by the day. Plus, we actually started seeing more sunshine!
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