Tuesday, December 31, 2013

December 2013- Holiday parties, Dave's 40th Birthday in Seattle, Christmas at the Pryor's

Safe Guard Holiday party

Visit from Cindy and Jordan Loth

Olivia, Zach, Alan and Ben Soshnik

Olivia - 4th grade homework:-( (before)

Dave's 40th birthday

Jen's 42nd Birthday

Seattle for Dave's 40th Birthday - Pearl Jam concert

Chihuly in Seattle

Visit to Andrea and John Ulitsch

Ferris Wheel

Mimicking dad....

Safe Guard Holiday party

Zach's Ms. Jones' 3rd Grade Holiday Party

Jen and Cindy Loth

Christmas 2013 - Crazy Car

Paddle Board!!

Christmas Tree in the kitchen - first Christmas in Curlew

Baby shower for Kelly at Laura Homer's

Holiday party for Olivia - Ms. Romanko's class :-(

Sloan West, Olivia, Zach and Connor Hawk

Hannah and Julia Smith - New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve....almost 2014.

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