Monday, February 8, 2010

Mike turns 40....

Casino Night to celebrate my brother-in-law's 40th Birthday?  We are in!  My sister (s) pulled off a great party Saturday night.  Typically, I do not like to gamble.  I love card games with friends, board games, drinking games, you name it.  Dave and I started out on the craps table, which is a new game to me, and we were there for 3 short, so very short, hours.  Three more hours were needed because we were having so much fun.  It's always nice to learn on fake money :-)
Mike turned 40, we all have a blast, danced and I took lots and lots of pictures.  We are all going on a cruise for Kim and Karen's 40th birthday in April.  I say, if we get to have this much fun, why don't you turn 40 again next year?  I'm just saying....

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