Saturday, November 5, 2011

Halloween...that almost wasn't...

Who would actually think we would have snow BEFORE Halloween in our first year in New Jersey?  Well, that is what happened and a hurricane the first few days after our arrival, both of which left us without power for 2 1/2 days.  It also left us without t.v. & internet for weeks.  We were out of school for three days and Halloween was canceled.  Additionally, our much anticipated adult's only dress up party was canceled.  Oh well, my outfit is ready for next year....and the party date is already set!
 The kids and neighbors know how to conjure up some fun when the first flakes start flying.  They were making snowballs with 'real' snowball makers.  We subsequently ordered some of these new found gadgets.  Come on Southern parents, get with it!  Things we learned from this experience:  buy a generator, don't hoard too much food in the refrigerator (this is the second time we have had to empty it), buy snow toys, buy kids snow boots in black...easy to hand down to Zach because they grow out of them so fast, and last but not least....always anticipate the power going out in Wyckoff for at least 2+ days.
Games by the campfire with neighbors...almost toasty, but not quite. 
Life seems to keep going (never mind running water and showers).  Tom had a birthday and we intended to party....with the reptiles.  The reptiles also kept warm by the fire.  Happy 7th, Tom.  Let's hope next year we have heat and toilets that flush :-)
Our Viking Princess and Black Snake...a Ninja?
After 2 nights of freezing sleep, we bolted for the Jersey Shore.  Amy & Dave O. kindly let us stay in their shore house in Avon.  It was such a nice way to finally warm up.  As soon as we arrived, kids were knocking on our door for trick-or-treating.  Luckily, I had our costumes packed!  I thought Halloween was canceled, but Avon made it extra special for us.  As Zach proclaimed, "This is the BEST Halloween ever!"  Now THAT made our day.   Thanks for sharing your candy, Zach.  
This Halloween beach photo will probably not happen again, but it was a real 'treat' for us. 
Kobe was a happy dog.  Maybe it was because we didn't force him to dress up?!

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