Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Earth Day and Fieldtrips

Our preschool recently went to the Fernbank Planetarium for a fieldtrip. The program was the same as when I was in school ages and ages ago, but it was still neat for the kids to see the stars and constellations. Zach was impressed with the indoor 'stars and planets' portion of the fieldtrip; Olivia was crazy over the living portion of the Planetarium - with the live chickens and snakes. What a surprise...

We also were able to see Disney's Earth Day movie on opening day. Both kids were fully engaged in the movie and are still talking about it. The 'scary' Circle of Life scenes did not see to bother either child.
Porsche had a big Earth Day (week) as well. Employee's children were encouraged to participate in an Art Exhibit to honor Earth Day. Olivia immediately had ideas and began working on her artwork. Zach had ideas as well (drawing planets), but Dave imposed his view on things and kept expressing ideas of incorporating cars into the theme of "The Ultimate Green Earth". Zach ended up tracing a 911 and coloring it green. Oh Dave.... Zach was still very excited about his project, so I guess that is what matters. Porsche held a ceremony on Friday with most of the employees attending. I took the kids to the playground and then over to the Porsche headquarters. Only three kids were present, the ones I brought, including my two and Seth Roach. I thought it was a great idea. They had the kids come to the stage, explain their artwork and gave them a nice parting gift. Olivia buried her head in my arm pit, but hey, at least I got her onstage. Maybe, just maybe, one day she will come out of her shell.... After we left, she was very talkative, so I know she enjoyed going to Dad's office and she loved her Porsche bear.

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