Sunday, May 3, 2009

Tech Fans

Finally....we made it to a Georgia Tech baseball game. I have tried for the last two years to take the kids to a game and the games end as soon as springtime comes around. There is something about sitting outside in a baseball stadium in downtown Atlanta. The skyscrapers, the lovely Atlanta spring weather and the laid back atmosphere of college baseball. Oh, and a huge slice of pizza to boot! I think the Braves games are too much for young kids, so the smallness of the Tech stadium works in our favor. We didn't last for the entire game, but it was enough to enjoy the evening.

We also had our first happy hour neighborhood party Friday evening. The kids ran around, rode bikes, used their imaginations to play for several hours while the adults - well, you know how we occupy ourselves. I hope it is one of many for our neighborhood; it was a very enjoyable evening.

As you can see, Zach found a way to surround himself with cars once again. Well, Dave had something to do with as well. He took Zach to the Historic Races at Road Atlanta today. Olivia and I opted to stay home. We weren't really invited so we kept quiet, secretly hoping they would not invite us :-) Olivia had mommy time and Zach had daddy time today. I think they need it periodically. Zach specifically asked Dave to take a picture of the 'Tiger car' to show Olivia. He's such a sweetie. Guess what Zach is doing right now? Playing The Grid on the PS3. Dave is quite proud of him - using the steering wheel, gas and brake pedal. Yes, he'll be in go-carts soon.

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