Olivia - Kindergarten 2009
Zach- Pre K, 4 yrs. 2009

Olivia & Zach - 5 yrs & 3 yrs. 2008
Olivia - 4 yrs. 2007
Olivia - 3 yrs. 2006
Olivia - 2-3 yrs. 2005
It was quite funny how easy and ready for Kindergarten (and Pre-K) we all were this year. Typically there are tears in families when their first born starts Kindergarten, but since our kids did not start until almost a month after most children we know (VCLC school schedule), it was such an easy transition. We had a great time over the summer, but we were ready to hit the first day of school in stride. Although everyone was up much later than they should be (10 pm), Olivia and Zach woke up on their own this morning for school. The late night schedule can be traced back to spending the last five days at the lake in Alabama - as we call it 'Alabama time'. They also took a late afternoon nap on the car ride back to Atlanta. Oh well, they will be ready for bed tonight.
I've been playing up the fact that Olivia (and Zach) will be the 'big kids' at school this year, hoping this would make Olivia's attitude towards going to school a bit better this year. No go. She still gave me a bit of grief last night that she wants to stay home with me. As we were the first group at school this morning, we were outside to wave to fellow friends. They were all yelling "hi Olivia, hi Zach" out of their car windows. Luckily, she grinned, waved back and went on her merry way to start her first day of Kindergarten.
As I picked them up today, I saw smiles. They were very talkative after school and I learned that Olivia was "hot and sweaty", so she found shade on the playground to rest and "thought about missing me". Oh and "there were WAY too many rules". Zach said he had 4 rules to follow and listed them for me. He was quite happy, but doesn't remember many kids names in his class. He has many new faces (only 8 kids in his class), so he'll get to know them soon enough.
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