Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Vacation and July 4th

A week of vacation for Dave made a wonderful week for all of us.  Olivia lost her sixth tooth on Wednesday and the tooth fairy has to guess where we will be each time.

We spent the first part of the week enjoying lake time and the later part of the week in Ponte Vedra, FL as guests of Zach's favorite racer, Hurley Haywood.  Zach received star treatment at the qualifying race in Daytona on Friday.
Olivia and I sat back at the beach house and soaked up the ocean views, reptiles, cats and puppy.  Indie, the puppy spaniel, had lots of attention from Olivia and Zach.  She's probably resting well now that we have vacated.  It was nice to have twin friends (kids of Hurley's friends) to play with for Olivia and Zach.  William and Grace welcomed our kids with gusto and we hammed it up for the 4th.  Everyone was gracious and welcoming, so our trip was relaxing.  St. Augustine was visited several times over the weekend for dinner, fireworks over the water and by Hurley's boat.  Indie, the spaniel, went along for every step of the way.  

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