Thursday, May 5, 2011

Precursor to Mothers Day

With everything that is going on, it's easy to forget Mother's Day is coming up.  Luckily, our wonderful teachers have not forgotten.  Wednesday, I was invited to Muffins with Mom in Olivia's class.  What a tear jerker!  Her teachers, Mrs. Bates and Mrs. Cook are outstanding.  I'm also a room mom for Olivia's class, so her teachers gave me a beautiful potted plant.  From the kids (with the help of the teachers), each child created note cards for their moms, along with flower pens and picked out hair color, body type, etc. for the note cards.  It was so cute (and funny at times) to see how our kids portrayed us.  Through the eyes of a child.....

I am the 'beast' mom in the wrold. And it looks like I am going to get some jolrey "jewelry".  Nice!  I'm also very 'seet'...sweet!
Olivia was called to walk me into her room, she escorted me to my seat with muffins and water and I had the sweetest notes.  Sniff, sniff.  More sniffles came when the teachers played a slideshow, of course with a heartfelt song accompanying it.  Ah, what a wonderful 1st grade year.  I loved it all.
Today, I was invited to Pastries with Parents in Zach's class.  Mrs. Muller decided to invite the dad's because they get overlooked in June sometimes.  Again, the level of sweetness and care they took in making the mom and dad's pictures, mugs, everything.  Apparently, Dave likes to eat Peeps, watch the Speed Channel and I like to eat Indian food and ride my bike.  Yep, that's pretty accurate.  The slideshow was very entertaining in Zach's classroom.
Mrs. Gagnon and Mrs. Muller
Thanks for all of the wonderful Mother's Day wishes from their teachers and from my love bugs.

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