Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving, hiking and holiday pictures

It goes without saying, Kobe has a privileged life.  He has great dog friends across the street that he sees many times during the week, visitors that pass by our house and lots and lots of doggie treats given out daily:-)  I thought I would take a photo of Kobe, Buddy and Zoie playing, but it's hard to capture these guys....just like kids.  They are a bunch of cuties.

Off for another hike at Ramapo.  I wasn't feeling so well and ended up sleeping the rest of the day, sending Dave and the kids off to Ezra's birthday party.  I fought the sickness off but it returned a week later, not ready to give up on me.  
Old ruins on Ramapo Mountain
Olivia training with Jennifer and one of her many horses.

My Thanksgiving 'helper'.  We were making chocolate truffle for the Fierro's Thanksgiving dinner.
Quick photos for our Christmas cards at the Zabriskie House
Kobe says "What?"
We love our pup
Cute boys
Fierro's for Thanksgiving....43 people in all

Jennifer & Gina
Lots and lots of wine flowed for Thanksgiving
Gina, her dad, Jen, a friend, and Lori, her sister
Olivia and Olivia
We had a grand time with the Fierro's and family.  Gina's moms play the guitar and sing, so we had football in one room, singing in the other room and then the dancing came into play.  Kids dancing, singing and having a ball...what else could you ask for?  Oh, and the food was fabulous too.  Thanks for a beautiful Thanksgiving, Gina and always. 

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