Sunday, July 12, 2009

Infamous Boss Pool Party

"Back in the day", we all have a story that starts out this way, right? Well, back in the day, a group of us would meet up at Dr. and Mrs. Boss' house (Mrs. Boss being our high school chemistry teacher and Dr. Boss being the doctor in our town). Ken and Kelly had numerous parties at their house and pool with or without the direct knowledge of their parents. Good times and The Boss' can laugh about it now.

This past weekend, we were officially invited to a Boss pool party to help send our dear friends, Bill and Julie Henley off from their 2 week long vacation here in Georgia. Bill and Julie live in Arkansas with their 3 beautiful children. They took residence in Arkansas about four years ago when Bill was promoted within Walmart. They love the area, the kids (and parents) are happy and healthy, so they plan to stay indefinitely. That's a bummer for all of us still residing in Georgia, but we love it when they come into town.

It all came full cirlce when we counted 16 children between our small group. Hey! We used to rule this roost (pool). Who do these little tikes think they are?! Just kidding, we had a blast sitting back and watching all of our offspring do what they do best - have fun. Our kids do not get to see each other very often, but they must know the bloodlines run deep with this crew, because they got along beautifully.

A huge thank you to the entire Boss family, especially Ken and Brandy for feeding us from noon until 7 pm (I cannot believe we stayed that long, but it's hard to leave when everyone is having fun).

To good friends and good families.

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