Tuesday, March 8, 2011


This blog will mostly be about my torn ACL seeing that I haven't spent much time with my children.  I'm on day 13 since I tore my ACL in Idaho and I have no idea where the time has gone.  My parents helped out for the first couple of days and Joan, my mother-in-law, has been here the rest of the time.  She'll be going home this Friday to upstate New York.  Flowers and trees are blooming in Atlanta, and it's STILL snowing in Utica.  Our family lives would not have gone on without their help, so for that, I am extremely grateful.  Thanks to all my friends too, who sprung me from jail over the last week or so.  Lunch, brunch and a little shopping trip makes your spirits high.  Thanks to Amy for being my personal shopper for my kids' Easter photo clothing.  Take a look at my Costco shopping trip.  Hey, I'm not too proud.  An outing is an outing!
Our main guy, Kobe, has been out of sorts with new people in his house and after being boarded the week we were in Idaho.  He came back a changed pup.  Unfortunately, he is teething (i.e. chewing) on everything in his path and he has 'played in the dirt' of our house plants multiple times.  Who needs more to clean up while they are taking care of two kids, an injured mom and a chaotic household?!  We are not sure what happened, but Sunday Kobe woke from a nap and started limping.  It lasted until the next day.  Could he have hurt it or was he imitating me?  It looked like he was imitating me!  Go figure.
We had a little surprise visit from my cousin, Zac.  Olivia and Zach love Zac, so we snapped a picture of them along with Joan....it was Dr. Seuss's birthday and the kids celebrated at school.  I wanted a picture of their cute hats.  It was nice to have Zac chase after those crazy kids.  I won't be doing that for quite some time.  
Speaking of kids, Olivia and Zach have been wonderful throughout this whole ordeal.  I am so proud of them for helping out, especially when I cannot get something myself.  They have provided me with plenty of water, ice packs, Advils, you name it.  I think Dave's patience wore thin getting us home from Idaho and around day seven, he left me to ask the 'others' for things.  He's been pulling double duty for a while, so I'll give him some slack (and credit).  He tag teams with his mom to get the kids ready in the mornings and takes them to school.    It's a effort to keep things moving along, but one day.....many, many months from now (after surgery), I will be back on my A-GAME!  
Physical therapy has worked wonders over the last week or so.  I started walking a bit without crutches today (woo hoo), but I'm still very cautious.  I'll know more March 21 when I meet with Dr. X again to discuss my knee.  I doubt this will keep me from traveling....:-)

1 comment:

Yvonne Bates said...

Love your Costco picture. :) You have such a great attitude. What a blessing to have people who are willing to come help out while you are off your feet. Let me know if there is anything we can do to help. Olivia hasn't seemed to have missed a beat. She's doing great!