Wednesday, February 4, 2009

First born

A few days ago, Olivia and Zach hopped onto the scale to weigh themselves. It started out simple enough. Olivia weighs more than Zach; she IS 18 months older than him. Then, the kids move on to the height chart on our bathroom wall. Olivia is taller than Zach. You probably see where this is going. Over the weekend, we noticed that Zach was going through one of those (as most parents have experienced from time to time) a "rough time". I say it's hormones - hey, he's a growing boy! He's happy one minute, spitting mad the next and then the hysterical crying fit ensues. The rest of the day was bearable, but I knew there was a storm brewing.

As Olivia was getting ready for bed, Dave was flossing her teeth. I was reading to Zach; spending quality time with each kid since we have the luxury of Dave not traveling as much. Olivia pops into Zach's room in an excitement like no other. "Mom, I have new teeth!" Huh? I didn't know she had loose teeth and we do talk about that upcoming event often. It turns out, she has her 6 year molars coming in. Little did I know, they have 6 year molars..... for those of you with kids around this age. Olivia is a little over 5 years. She was so excited that she popped back into Zach's room to say "I'm SO excited; I cannot wait until school tomorrow so that I can tell all my friends!" Then, off she went to enjoy.

I immediately saw it coming..... Zach turns to me in a pout and says "Mom, why didn't you have me first? Why did you have to have Olivia first and me second?" Trying to explain this (to Zach, who gets everything) is a bit hard. I told him it was a game of chance. The egg that is there is chosen and then later on, another egg is chosen. If I have/had another baby, which is not in the plan, that baby would be younger than both Olivia and Zach. He thought on this a minute, but it still did not seem to quell his upset feelings. She's always bigger, stronger, taller, gets and will lose teeth before him (or will she?). I told him to wait it out until he is a teenager and things will work to his advantage. I love that my kids are close because they play so well together, but wow, I didn't see this one coming. Poor guy.

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