Saturday, March 28, 2009

Fun Friday

So who wants to tell me that Fun Friday cannot be fun when it's raining and down right nasty outside? My kids had their Uncle Barry in town, oh and they LOVE Uncle Barry. After he left, I took them to see the movie they have been talking about for months... Aliens vs. Monsters. Eh, it was o.k., but the best part was that I got a quick snooze to recharge my batteries. Hey, so did Zach! Why did I pay $8 a ticket for us to sleep? Because it was raining and we needed to get out of the house. Murphy's Law - no one would have gotten to nap if we stayed at home.
After the movie was over, I dropped in to Old Navy with the kids to see if they had any cute spring clothes for Olivia. Zach is set in the clothing department (thanks to Watson and Gavin). The kids entered into mannequin land when they walked into Old Navy. They were mesmerized.....holding the mannequin's hand, comparing how tall they were to the child mannequin, petting the mannequin dog. You get the picture. It was extremely funny to me that all I had to do was take them to Old Navy to peak their curiousity. That, my friends, is a fun Friday!

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