Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Swan House

My girlfriends' had family in town this week, so we decided to take them to lunch at The Swan House in Atlanta. Dave asked "what is the Swan House?" Silly boy, it's a historical house in Buckhead that has been converted (the coach house portion of the estate) to a restuarant/gift shop where lovely ladies go to lunch and enjoy the beautiful architecture and decorations. I wish we had a chance to see more of the house, but lunch and the company was absolutely delightful. My book club read 'The Swan House' a couple of months ago and we were curious to see the house and compare our thoughts.

Thanks for the idea, invite and the wonderful company, girls! Where shall we go next? Hey, I have an idea; let's read a book on Bora Bora next month :-)

1 comment:

Elizabeth Seymour said...

I LOVE that idea! (That doesn't leave us with The Lord of the Flies or anything, does it?)