Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Nighttime Stories & Halloween Decorations

You just never know what kids will start doing next.  Zach has now taken over the nighttime story job from Olivia.  Don't get me wrong, she still tells a fair amount of imaginative tales on her own, but Zach is basking in his newfound storytelling.  Whereas Olivia's stories are focused on animals, Zach's, as you may have guessed, deal with race cars. 
Tonight, I had to give him a 5 minute time limit.  I learned this the hard way with Olivia.  Those stories can go on...and on... and on.  "And then........"  Aunt Karen can attest to this one.  He was so animated with the cars.  Yes, he brought 12 cars to the bed and lined them up for the race.  I got to hear play by play.  Olivia passed out.  As I curtailed his story, he said "And the next night (tomorrow) on Chapter 2, the Ferrari and the red Porsche get lost!"  Duhn, duhn, duhn.  A cliffhanger - wow.
Yes, I still read to them and they read to me, but these wild and crazy stories have to fit into the nighttime ritual as well. 

Halloween decorating filled up our afternoon.  Olivia suggested we decorate today and she was so excited and proud of herself for "her great idea, right mom?!"  Let's just say, I will have a lot of little ghouls, goblins and misc. Halloween toys to trip over this month.  Oh well, it's festive!  The stuffed horse in the photo was a belated birthday present she recieved today.  I think the horse was trying to manage all the Halloween toys.  he he he.  I always have a Tinkertoy racetrack to step over if Zach is around.  He had his buddy, Garrett, over today and they speak the same language - racing!

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