Monday, April 21, 2008

Speedy the Turtle

Olivia's classmate found a turtle in the lake close to her house. Taylor and her mom were going to release "Speedy" but decided to wait on Olivia, knowing she was an animal lover. We went over today, but Olivia had it in her mind that she was taking Speedy home, not releasing him. She talked us into a keeping him a few days and "then we'll release him". Right, I'm sure it will be as easy as that! She's been begging me for a turtle for about 3 weeks now. It was a parrot the month before that, a dog the 3 months prededing get the picture. I'm so glad Taylor found a turtle, so it gives us a chance to see how well she does with creatures. The worms have not faired so well - lasting about 2 days before they dry up. The catepillar she found the week of Spring Break lasted almost the entire week. I believe she finally released him - he was doing well and liked Olivia's attention. I wasn't there for the release, so maybe we'll have a cocoon and a butterfly in the house soon?! Speedy is a very appropriate name for this turtle. He is a little fiesty, baby turtle. I actually like having him around as well. She had him outside in a container today. She moved him to a bowl and surprise, surprise, he made a break for it. He was missing about 30 minutes and we found him (after he scaled the bowl, dropped down from the kids table, got off the deck and into the yard) in the middle of our back yard. Speedy and CRAFTY little fellow. You can only imagine his thougths when we snagged him. Poor guy almost made it to the oasis of the McCurry's pond!

Today was a big day for Zach! It was his first trip to the dentist (for himself). He was great and it was such a non-event. I have to give it to my kids; they are so easy when it comes to the dentist. I actually like going to the dentist, so maybe they take after me in that respect. Dr. Aspes (of the famed Julia Roberts' smile) is so good and quick with the kids. He also has a hobby of building huge marble games. He has probably 8 big plywood boards with different PVC, metal pieces to make the marble track. Zach LOVES it. He cried the last time we had to leave (from Olivia's appointment). So, yes, they love the dentist and they had great check-ups. Keep them coming!

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